Omo..?!, The dead body is burned..!

When a person dies in Bali, his family and friends are not usually sad. In their credibility, them death is the beginning of another life. The death person will come back in the world in another shape. Before this happens, his old body must go. In some countries the dead body is put in the ground. In the other countries, and in some places in Bali, the body is put on the top of the ground or in a tree. The body is then often eaten by animals, but usually in Bali the dead body is burned, after it is burned, the dead person can easily come back to live in this world. Because of this, the burning of the body is happy time. When a bad person comes back to earth, he is a dog or snake. A good person will have a better life than his first life.

The burning of the body is very expensive. Some people save money for this when they're still living. When a man dies, his family comes to his house. They bring present of food. They cannot burn the body on any day. They wait for the correct day. Sometimes his body is put in ground before it is burned. Before his family wash the body, some flowers are put in the nose, some irons are put on the teeth and anns, and some glass is put on the eyes. When, the dead man comes back to the earth for his next life, he will have strong arms and teeth, good eyes and will smell of nice things. Usually the body is in the ground for fourty two days. After this, the family take the body out of the ground, they bring it to the house. When everything is done the body is ready for burning.

It is put on the to a wooden tower. This tower is very beautiful and expensive. The family and their friends then go in a line to burning place. Some men and women walk in front. Then come the men with the tower. They do not walk in a straight line. They ran from one side of the road to the other and turn around. This keeps bad things away from the body. There is a long rope from the tower. People in the dead men's family hold this rope and walk in front at the burning place. The noise of the music and the people is very loud. Then the body is burned. after the burning, some pieces of the bones "ABU" are taken to the sea or to a river and they are thrown into the water. The people wash in the water and they go home.

A long time ago, when a rich man was burned, his wives also burned themselves on the fire. This was also done in India many years ago. The people of Bali do not do this now. Because burning body is expensive, sometimes people burm several bodies at the same time. This is cheaper because not so many towers are needed. The burning is very noisy. There is a lot of shouting, smoke, and noise.

sumber :
Buku P3M pu.a Admin


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